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oke in this post i will try to use english , oke hmmmmmm *breathing *exhales , right! actually this is my first post with english , im inspired with my friend who always use english in her blog , who else? actually AYAAAAK*prok prok prok , i dont know why she look like mmm she can speak english very very well in her blog but you know actually hmmmm you know la yaaa :P *JUST KIDDING YAAAK IM SORRY YAK JUST KID -_-v
no, okay exactly she is very smart girl in my class :) *puaas puaaas?
and then.... so qonita what the point in this post?
okay capcus in the main problem-_- so this day 15-12-11 is exam! exam! i did indonesian and religion exam 3 hours ago , and tommorow *Jengjeng SAY HELOO TO SCIENCE *oh what the taek-_- ,
im afraid of all this very very afraid but see? i even have time to blogging even tommorow is SCIENCE EXAM?? its crazy guys but hmmm i afraid of all this but i dont have an effort damn! i just feel its okay i have much time to study 6 hours?8 hours?9?10? come on! i have a lot time to study letter , but actually i cant focus if i study in the night i always feel sleepy when i study at night its very disturb me !
just pray for me :(
i wish teacher who maintain my class is nice kkkk~
and always feel sleepy ohhh NICE!!
there are a teacher in my school he is very very grumpy he's name is mr.madyo and people say he's indigo *oh nooo , i never maintained with him , but i wish its never happens surely! for anything in this world i wish its never happens-_-
like in wise word
first take the difficult and then having fun (bener gak yaa hehe)
yap when the exam is finish there will be a LONG HOLIDAY !! THAT'S WHAT I'M WAITING!
im very excited >.<
okee enough today ,thanks for reading unimportant shit :D byeee !! oh ya im sorry my english is very bad -__-v

Bonus: kinda funny =))))))

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